Tag: <span>Addictions</span>

Gambling- A pattern behaviour of the unconscious mind

Gambling destroys relationships
I don’t want to loose anything anymore! “I am a gambler” I heard my client spit out with exasperation!Why can’t I just stop? “I don’t know “was my answer, however we can find out if you really want to change your life circumstances and patterns of addictive behaviour.

After years of working with addictive identities, I wondered while assessing my client, if he was really ready for a quick change with long term corrections to his patterns of addictions.

The journey of self discovery and meaning can be painful and some awareness can be a shock to the establish patterns that want change, however those patterns do not know how to get to the more positive aspects of a new behaviour with the tools they already use.

The first 24 to 48 hours is different for all clients and emotional content buzzes with new found feelings. Often the numbness begins to leave and a new clarity of mind prevails.

Gambling addiction ruins lives, relationships and life goals. Families try to help by managing the money or keeping wages from the rightful earner.
All short term fixes for a debilitating more often anxious problem for all concerned.

Gambling addiction can be changed with the right tools used.
The unconscious mind holds all the patterns, Hypnotherapy and NLP Psychotherapy can be a peaceful more productive means to a new life free of addictions.

Gambling- A pattern behaviour of the unconscious mind

I don’t want to loose anything anymore! “I am a gambler” I heard my client spit out with exasperation!Why …


A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. The phobia typically …


Relationship Issues

Relationship maintenance (or relational maintenance) refers to a variety of behaviors exhibited by relational partners …


Anxiety is an emotion characterized by an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by nervous behaviour

Sleep Disordered

A sleep disorder, or somnipathy, is a medical disorder of the sleep patterns of a person or animal.


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