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A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. The phobia typically results in a rapid onset of fear and is present for more than six months. The affected person goes to great lengths to avoid the situation or object, to a degree greater than the actual danger posed. If the feared object or situation cannot be avoided, the affected person experiences significant distress. With blood or injury phobia, fainting may occur. Agoraphobia is often associated with panic attacks. Usually a person has phobias to a number of objects or situations.

Phobias can be divided into specific phobias, social phobia, and agoraphobia. Types of specific phobias include those to certain animals, natural environment situations, blood or injury, and specific situations. The most common are fear of spiders, fear of snakes, and fear of heights. Occasionally they are triggered by a negative experience with the object or situation. Social phobia is when the situation is feared as the person is worried about others judging them. Agoraphobia is when fear of a situation occurs because it is felt that escape would not be possible.

It is recommended that specific phobias be treated with exposure therapy where the person is introduced to the situation or object in question until the fear resolves. Medications are not useful in this type of phobia. Social phobia and agoraphobia are often treated with some combination of counselling and medication. Medications used include antidepressants, benzodiazepines, or beta-blockers.

Specific phobias affect about 6–8% of people in the Western world and 2–4% of people in Asia, Africa, and Latin America in a given year. Social phobia affects about 7% of people in the United States and 0.5–2.5% of people in the rest of the world. Agoraphobia affects about 1.7% of people. Women are affected about twice as often as men. Typically onset is around the age of 10 to 17. Rates become lower as people get older. People with phobias are at a higher risk of suicide.


Relationship Issues

Relationship maintenance (or relational maintenance) refers to a variety of behaviors exhibited by relational partners in an effort to maintain that relationship. Relational maintenance is defined by scholars in four different ways:

  1. to keep a relationship in existence
  2. to keep a relationship in a specified state or condition
  3. to keep a relationship in a satisfactory condition and
  4. to keep a relationships in repair.

First, in order to keep a relationship in existence (for example, adult friends that contact each other infrequently, but adequately to maintain the friendship), means the relationship continues without termination. Second, in order to keep a relationship in a specified state or condition, human communication professors Kathryn Dindia and Daniel Canary “refers to sustaining the present level of certain dimensions or qualities thought to be important in relationship development.” There are three elements of a stable relationship:

  1. the participants reach minimal agreement about the relationship
  2. relationships can stabilize at different levels of intimacy and
  3. relationship still has considerable change occurring in it.

Dindia and Canary’s third definition of relational maintenance refers to keeping a relationship in a satisfactory condition or to maintain satisfaction within the relationship. “For example, this third definition implies that no one can be in a stable, but dissatisfying relationship.” Fourthly, to keep a relationship in repair means to keep the relationship in good, sound, or working condition and to repair a relationship that has come apart. Repair of the relationship means “changing a relationship from its present condition and restoring it to a previous (more advanced) state after decline or decay.”


Anxiety is an emotion characterized by an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by nervous behaviour such as pacing back and forth, somatic complaints, and rumination. It is the subjectively unpleasant feelings of dread over anticipated events.

Anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness and worry, usually generalized and unfocused as an overreaction to a situation that is only subjectively seen as menacing. It is often accompanied by muscular tension, restlessness, fatigue and problems in concentration. Normally considered to be appropriate, when anxiety is experienced regularly the individual may suffer from an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is closely related to fear, which is a response to a real or perceived immediate threat; anxiety involves the expectation of future threat. People facing anxiety may withdraw from situations which have provoked anxiety in the past.

Sleep Disordered

A sleep disorder, or somnipathy, is a medical disorder of the sleep patterns of a person or animal. Some sleep disorders are serious enough to interfere with normal physical, mental, social and emotional functioning. Polysomnography and actigraphy are tests commonly ordered for some sleep disorders.

Disruptions in sleep can be caused by a variety of issues, including teeth grinding (bruxism) and night terrors. When a person suffers from difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep with no obvious cause, it is referred to as insomnia.

Sleep disorders are broadly classified into dyssomnias, parasomnias, circadian rhythm sleep disorders involving the timing of sleep, and other disorders including ones caused by medical or psychological conditions.

The most common sleep disorder is insomnia. Others are sleep apnea, narcolepsy and hypersomnia (excessive sleepiness at inappropriate times), sleeping sickness (disruption of sleep cycle due to infection), sleepwalking, and night terrors. Management of sleep disturbances that are secondary to mental, medical, or substance abuse disorders should focus on the underlying conditions.

Primary sleep disorders are common in both children and adults. However, there is a significant lack of awareness in children with sleep disorders, due to most cases being unidentified. Several common factors involved in the onset of a sleep disorder include increased medication use, age-related changes in circadian rhythms, environmental and lifestyle changes [4] and pre diagnosed physiological problems and stress. The risk of developing sleep disorders in the elderly is especially increased for sleep disordered breathing, periodic limb movements, restless legs syndrome, REM sleep behavior disorders, insomnia and circadian rhythm disturbances.


Fertility by Hypnosis – We are here to support you on this amazing journey.

Each year millions of people around the world try treatments for infertility.

Despite receiving state of the art care for their fertility problems in many areas, research into how contraception occurs and what can prevent or interfere with it, shows the success rate for those who undergo high tech procedures, appears to be about 20%.

In order to boost this success rate and have the very best chance of conception, many women seek out complementary treatments such as Homeopathic Medicines, Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Mind/Body approaches.

One of the most powerful and stress reducing methods is working alongside a skilled and certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.

Following the guidelines of a personalised 12 week (3 ovulations) program, increases the odds of conception and enhances overall vitality and health.

Studies have indicated that “infertile” women utIlising mind/body techniques, have a 42%- 55% higher conception rate. Women with depression, when treated showed a 60% viable pregnancy rate within six months,contrasting with 24% when depression went untreated.(Journal of American Medical Women’s Association,1999,vol 54)

Fertility by Hypnosis tm (Lynsi Eastburn)

Fertility by Hypnosis a 12 session program for those seeking a complement to IVF or for those wishing to conceive naturally and having infertility issues. The first consultation is one and a half hours,and further consultations are one hour sessions.

The 12 week program covers:

  • Release of depression, anxiety, worry
  • Release of stress and lack of Confidence
  • Hypnotic fertility support
  • Self Hypnosis
  • Biofeedback
  • Healing the inner body
  • Inner child Journey
  • Deep sleep

Read More about Getting your brain ready for a baby.

Judi Gurd-Chapman, Clinical Hypnotherapist – Certified by the Hypnofertility Foundation

Weight Reduction

What and When to change for Weight Reduction

You are reading this today, because over-eating is an issue YOU want to resolve. Wanting to resolve this issue is the first step towards getting the outcome that YOU desire. Hypnotherapy is all about change towards your desired outcomes and goals ……and it’s so easy – all you have to do is RELAX.

Every diet you have ever been on, asks you to change – it asks you to change your eating habits, until you have lost some weight – and the rest is up to YOU.

The motivation to exercise is up to YOU. The cessation of too much alcohol is up to YOU. The feelings of emotional upset around food – well, it’s up to YOU to change the way YOU feel. Do you eat because you’re bored, angry, or have chocolate cravings? Perhaps you’re frustrated, stressed, unhappy in relationships, lonely… or this is a reward for a hard day?

Eating unconsciously when socialising, working, watching television or snacking because it’s there….. well, it’s all up to YOU to change, isn’t it? Eating behaviours always have an underlying reason for being, and generally start as a younger YOU.

In hypnosis, I will take you back to times when you made decisions about your health. This regression helps the mind “grow up” after having resolved the reasons for keeping you “stuck” in the thoughts and feelings of the younger, less experienced YOU.

Many clients come to me for what they describe as a sugar addiction, food reward addiction, emotional eating, stress or boredom eating. Quite often, the reasons behind this eating behaviour are not always recognised until we have our first discussion on what feelings are happening around food.

Change needs to start immediately, with a decision to be free of the things that are confining your chances for freedom of choice. That is, YOU choose to break the patterns starting with the words YOU use to talk aboutYOURSELF and YOUR behaviours.

“Thin” is a wonderful feeling – it is not just a word. Now YOU are reducing to Thin. Change your language to positive reinforcement of what YOU really want…… not what you don’t want.

Hypnosis is profound and ultimately life-changing in many areas of YOUR thinking and behaviours.

Hypnotherapy and Memory Improvement

Memory Improveent, Dementia, Recovery from Strokes, Recovery from Brain Surgery

The use of hypnosis can strengthen neural pathways and speed up the healing and the inter-relationship of problems of the mind, body, emotions and spirit.Neuroplasticity is the brains ability to reorganise itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. In cases of injury and disease the neurons adjust their activity in response to the new situation or change in their environment.

A surprising consequence of Neuroplasticity is that the brain activity associated with a given function can move to a different location, reorganising and forming new connections.

In order to reconnect, the neurons need to be stimulated through repetition and activity. Relaxation speeds up this process. Here’s where hypnosis comes in: The subconscious mind sees by ways of pictures and symbols and it doesn’t differentiate between real and imagined. When we give it an image of the brain functioning properly, neuron’s strengthening, etc., the subconscious can accept that as true and reinforce and strengthen that hypnotic suggestion through the use of recordings that are especially formulated for the particular issue. People can be empowered to take an active role in their healing by learning self hypnosis to reinforce the imagery of their body functioning properly.

Through hypnosis and left/right brain exercises recorded on CD, many people have overcome the negative effects of strokes. Neuroplasticity is a well known phenomena that can be enhanced through the power of the mind.

According to Dr. Mary Pasini, “regardless of age, your brain has the ability to make new neurons and construct new neural pathways throughout your life. When you engage in new experiences or think in novel ways, new pathways are forged. Every time you think a specific thought, a specific pathway of neurons fires up, neurotransmitters are released and synapses are subtly altered. With repetition this pathway is strengthened. Even as you read this very sentence, your brain is changing. In this way, your brain’s structure is a culmination of all the thoughts and experiences you have had up to this very moment.” Self hypnosis promotes relaxation and the deeper the relaxation, the more efficient the process of mind to muscle communication.

Judi Gurd Chapman of Mind Mechanics is a Master of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Master of NLP Psychotherapy. You can contact Judi at Mind Mechanics Complementary Health Clinic, Mona Vale PH: 9970 8880

Get Your Brain Ready For A Baby

Fertility by Hypnosis

Have you been diagnosed “infertile”, placed in a box of negative feelings and run around from doctors to specialists? or IVF chances blown through stress, anxiety or overwhelmed by the whole process.

It should be so easy, shouldn’t it?

You take supplements, have quit bad habits such as drinking or smoking, you watch your weight and notice changes when you’re ovulating, being aware like never before in your life about your body and its processes.

What about those stress levels?

Oxytocin has also been widely implicated in human responses to stress. A number of studies have convincingly demonstrated that oxytocin is what scientists call a down regulator of the body’s stress-axis system, which creates the bleak, gut-tightening feeling you experience when you get the news that the promotion didn’t come through.

People under the influence of oxytocin have smaller, briefer stress responses than others do; bad news seems to roll off them more readily. Human oxytocin receptors are located in several dopamine-rich regions of the brain, suggesting that oxytocin is embedded in our reward circuitry.

One study compared the brain activity of people looking at pictures of loved ones or at pictures of non-romantic friends. The pattern of activity in the cortex was markedly different depending on which type of face the subject was exposed to. FMRI scans of brains processing a romantic gaze bear a striking resemblance to the brain activity of new mothers listening to infants’ cries.

The link between stress response and social attachment is at the heart of Psychology professor at the University of California at Los Angeles Shelley Taylor Taylor’s idea of the tending instinct. You can fight your way out of stress by destroying your enemies, or you can reduce stress by reaching out to loved ones. In terms of brain chemistry, you can load up on adrenaline and fight or flee, or you can cool down with oxytocin and tend and befriend.

Unexplained infertility perhaps does account for a few cases. Despite progress that has been made in the treatment of “infertility” the success rate appears to be quite low. Women are more than ever seeking out complementary treatments such as Acupuncture, Herbal Remedies, Homeopathic Medicine, Chiropractic and Mind Body approaches.

Now! If not earlier is the time to think and act positive by releasing the brain from the idea that it’s all too stressful and there is no more to be done.

One of the most powerful solutions is Clinical Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis goes beyond simple guided imagery and in some cases Fertility by Hypnosis™ services are sought in conjunction with medical fertility programs. Not only will there be increase chances of conception with Hypnotherapy, the fringe benefits including more confidence, feelings of being more in control, stress reduction and relaxation maximise success rates and lead to a more positive life.

Excerpts from Fertility by Hypnosis™ Lynsi Eastburn, BCH and Arthur A Leideckers

The HypnoFertility Foundation
Discover Magazine- Mind and Brain. Sex and reproduction
Judi Gurd-Chapman Mind Mechanics Pty Ltd


The Virtual Gastric Band is an easy weight loss programme taking approximately 4 consultations. This program was pioneered in the UK by Clinical Hypnotherapist/Trainer Sheila Granger.

As the name suggests, the system utilises the concept of a “virtual” gastric band and clinical hypnotherapy. It successfully harnesses the power that every individual holds within them to make changes to their lives. Many clients all over Australia and the world have benefited from The Virtual Gastric Band therapy.

The Virtual Gastric Band is a non-surgical technique which uses the power of clinical hypnosis to retrain you,you will feel satisfied with smaller amounts of food. It changes how you think about food and gives very safe, very predictable results.

One part of the program that utalises clinical hypnotherapy to produce change convinces the brain that the stomach is full after a certain level of intake, and that there is no need for more food.

No dieting needed – we know that diets only work in the short term.

The Virtual Gastric Band allows you to eat what you want, but will enable you to intake smaller portions. And, because it’s not a diet, you won’t feel deprived, miserable or hungry, the issues which cause diets to fail. As The Virtual Gastric Band effectively negates these issues, you are left with a long term solution to your weight problems.

The medical procedure reduces the physical size of the stomach, and may achieve the same result, but The Virtual Gastric Band can be undertaken quickly and privately, without the lengthy delay of hospital waiting lists, and of course carries no costly invasive surgery, no risks and no on-going medical treatment.

Judi Gurd-Chapman is an accredited practitioner of Sheila Granger’s Virtual Gastric Band Program.

Don’t be embarrassed to go on couples therapy

We define the treatment path in couples therapy after patiently listening and carefully understanding the problems couple is facing. Our practical and scientific approach, while balancing and weighing the emotions at stake, helps us bring in the much needed transparency and attachment among the partners. It definitively helps in doing the right thing, and taking the right decision, not only for the relationship, but personally as well.

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Gambling- A pattern behaviour of the unconscious mind

I don’t want to loose anything anymore! “I am a gambler” I heard my client spit out with exasperation!Why …


A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. The phobia typically …


Relationship Issues

Relationship maintenance (or relational maintenance) refers to a variety of behaviors exhibited by relational partners …


Anxiety is an emotion characterized by an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by nervous behaviour

Sleep Disordered

A sleep disorder, or somnipathy, is a medical disorder of the sleep patterns of a person or animal.


Fertility by Hypnosis – We are here to support you on this amazing journey. Each year millions of people