Mind Mechanics Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy
– Sydney - Northern Beaches
– Hunter Valley - Maitland / Lorn
Providing specialist clinical help in Depression, Stress, Eating Behaviours, Infertility
and Confidence. "I will do all I can to help you get to know about Clinical Hypnosis
and in addressing the many areas of life where I can be of help."
First Steps
Asking for help is the hardest thing, coming to our website is a step in the right direction.Helping You
Explore the resources and content on this website as the first steps on your path to fulfilling your potential.Call Now Mona Vale Sydney and Lorn Maitland clinics
Phone: 0419 019 842, Email: judi@mindmechanics.com.au
Find out if Clinical Hypnotherapy or NLP is for you
Firstly, it will help if you start by clarifying some of your feelings, issues or thoughts. Make a note mentally

What is Hypnotherapy?
Neuro Linguistic Programming and Clinical Hypnosis. At Mind Mechanics we use a combination of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Clinical
PreviousAfter a redundancy I found myself only able to see the negatives in my own abilities. I was astounded that only three sessions with Judi could help me regain my positive self image and move forward once again in my professional life. I could not recommend her practice highly enough.
Mark(December 2016)
I had had difficulty falling asleep for the last 28 years since the birth of my first child, but with Judi’s wonderful help, the problem is solved. Her “magic staircase” does the trick EVERY night: better health, energy, mood and skin! Thank you so much Judi.
Sue(February 2016)
I wonder if you remember me? I came and saw you a few years ago and I fully credit your sessions to having a break through with my depression and binge eating. I lost 20kgs but I’ve put 7kgs back on. I really feel like I need a refresher and generally need to talk through life
Rachel(May 2015)
Re-training Life Patterns
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) provides the tools and techniques to assist you in the workplace, socially and home
Shock and Distress
Shock can give us debilitating symptoms of suffering which we may experience after a real/perceived life threatening or overwhelming event
Reduction and Pain Management
When it comes to pain and discomfit, no two people are exactly alike. There are many factors that are involved